Education & Training

The NVCOG is committed to knowledge sharing to support informed decision making. Education and training opportunities are thoughtfully crafted to equip land use staff and commissioners with valuable insights and skills….

Existing Conditions Report

[Type the document title] [Type the document subtitle] [Pick the date] Oldread, Krystal Exis tin g Co n d itio n s TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………. i…

Route 67 Preliminary Engineering Study

Copyright 2016 Milone & MacBroom, Inc. ROUTE 67 (BANK STREET) SPOT IMPROVEMENTS PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT SEYMOUR, CONNECTICUT State Project No. 124-165 MMI # 3211-02-4 February 1 9, 2014 (Revised March…

CNVR Fiscal Impact Report 2000

Central Naugatuck Valley Region FISCAL IMPACT REGIONAL SUMMARY REPORT Council of Governments Central Naugatuck Valley The pictures on the cover were arranged in relation to each communities general location in…

Regional Recreation Guide now available online!

Image of the Regional Recreation Guide with displayed features.

NVCOG received a grant from the Connecticut Community Foundation to create an online application that allows the public to easily find places in the Naugatuck Valley region where they can…

Long Range Regional Transportation Plan 2011-2040

Central Naugatuck Valley Long Range Regional Transportation Plan 2011-2040 COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS CENTRAL NAUGATUCK VALLEY July 2011 TITLE: Long Range Regional Transportation Plan 2011-2040 AUTHOR: Council of Governments of the…

In the CT Post, “Coronavirus crisis reveals partisan divide”


Original Article: Liz Teitz and Ken Dixon March 29, 2020 Updated: March 29, 2020 11:17 p.m. Tom Imperati, a Branford gun shop owner, says the coronavirus pandemic is over-hyped and prompting mass hysteria….