Application to NOAA’s Restoring Fish Passage through Barrier Removal Funding Opportunity under the IIJA


Additional Supplemental Materials


Storymap: The Effort to Restore Migratory Fish to the Naugatuck River

An interactive exploration of the ongoing effort to restore migratory fish to the Naugatuck River.

Plan to Restore Diadromous Fishes to the Naugatuck River Watershed (CT DEEP) – October 2022

This report revises and updates the original Diadromous Fish Restoration Plan written in the 1990s.  

Site Photos

This Flickr folder includes a variety of photos of the Kinneytown Dam and the Canal Reservoir Dam and photos of river cleanups.

Video of Migratory Fish at the Base of Kinneytown Dam

Documentary evidence of fish passage failure at Kinneytown Dam

Archaeological Assessment of Dams within the Naugatuck River Basin – April 1999

The Archeological Assessment of Dams within the Naugatuck River Basin is an extensive assessment of both archeological and industrial values of the Naugatuck River Dams, written in 1999. It tells the history of the Naugatuck River Valley. The report was written for the 7 dams that were being assessed for removal and passage in 1999. 

NVCOG Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (approved by FEMA and all 19 towns) – 2021

This multijurisdictional Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan, approved by FEMA and all 19 municipalities in the NVCOG region, identifies Kinneytown Dam as a potential downstream flood hazard.

Pathway to Revitalization: Economic Impacts of Phased Completion of the Naugatuck River Greenway (NVCOG) – March 2017

An economic impact study investigating how the complete buildout of the NRG Trail over time will impact the region’s economy through construction costs, operating expenditures, user amenity benefits, user expenditures, health impacts, as well as potential impacts on population, employment, income, and fiscal impacts.

Hydrology & Hydraulics HEC-RAS Model

This model is a HEC-RAS model was developed in 1999-2000 for the removal of 5 dams on the main stem of the Naugatuck River, and the assessment of barriers on the Mad River. The water surface profile includes the the Naugatuck River from just below the Kinneytown Dam to the Thomaston Dam. The model also includes the mad River, a tributary to the Naugatuck River.

Dam Safety Data

Gathered dam safety information about Kinneytown Dam and Canal Reservoir Dam.

Sediment Data from 7 Upstream Dam Removals

This data includes the chemical and physical sediment analysis that was completed for 7 dams upstream of the Kinneytown Dam on the Naugatuck River, of which 5 of the dams were removed and the sediment allowed to be passively released with minor on site and off-site disposal of portions of the impounded sediment.

Preliminary Sediment Data from Kinneytown Dam

Data from preliminary sediment testing in Kinneytown Dam impoundment conducted by Save the Sound in 2022.

Transformational Habitat Zones Downstream of Kinneytown Dam

Summary of sediment deposition areas downstream of Kinneytown Dam, prepared by Save the Sound.  

Review of Fish Passage Data

Review of the CT DEEP 2003 Kinneytown Fish Passage Facility Evaluation Study and cumulative daily fish passage counts from 2000-2020.

Historic Engineering Plans

This data includes as-built dam plans for the Kinneytown Dam when it was rebuilt in 1957, as well as additional dam repair plans from 1980 and 1984. In addition, we have included the as-built plans and profiles for the two sewer siphon crossings within the Kinneytown Dam impoundment, as well as the existing sewer siphon crossing to the WW Treatment Plant downstream of the Kinneytown Dam that will need to be enlarged to handle the added capacity of the relocation of the 2 upstream siphons.

Exploring Fish Passage Efficacy Through eDNA Sampling

To explore alternate methods of evaluating the potential impacts of poor fish passage, eDNA samples were taken below the Kinneytown Dam during the spring fish migrations in both 2021 and 2022.

Kinneytown Powerhouse and Gate House Details

Photos, schematics and drawings of Kinneytown facility features. 

Kinneytown Dam Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, January 2023

Phase I Environmental Site Assessment report commissioned through the  EPA Targeted Brownfield Assessment (TBA) Program.  

Site-Specific Quality Assurance Project Plan, Kinneytown Dam, Seymour, Connecticut

QAPP for Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, August 2023

Coe Pond Dam Inspection Report, March 2024

Inspection report from a field inspection of Coe Pond Dam conducted on December 21, 2023 by Gomez and Sullivan Engineers.