NVCOG Mayors and First Selectman visited the State Capitol complex today in support of proposed legislation to improve rail service on the Waterbury Branch Line. A public hearing was held on Senate Bill 155, which would serve as the ‘vehicle’ legislation for the proposed upgrades.
Watch News 8’s video coverage here.
From left to right: Derby Mayor Richard Dziekan, State Sen. George Logan, R-17, Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller, Ansonia Mayor David Cassetti, Naugatuck Mayor N. Warren “Pete” Hess, State Rep. Kara Rochelle, D-104, Speaker of the House of Representatives Joe Aresimowicz, Beacon Falls First Selectman Gerard Smith, Waterbury Mayor Neil O’Leary, State Rep. Larry Butler, D- 72, State Rep. Rosa Rebimbas, R-70, State Rep. Geraldo Reyes, D-75.
Municipal leaders and area state legislators, led by NVCOG Chairman, Waterbury Mayor Neil M. O’Leary addressed the media this morning prior to the Connecticut General Assembly’s Transportation Committee’s public hearing.
Testifying before the General Assembly’s Transportation Committee, left to right, State Rep. Rosa, Rebimbas, R-70, Naugatuck Mayor N. Warren “Pete” Hess and Waterbury Mayor Neil O’Leary. Also, in the second row, second from left, Thomaston First Selectman Ed Mone and, fourth from left, Derby Mayor Richard Dziekan.