Governor Lamont today issued Executive Order No. 9L which extends the COVID-19 Executive Orders to February 9, 2021, including Executive Orders affecting municipalities, including the following:

EO 7BSuspension of In-Person Open Meeting Requirements – Allows state and municipal agencies to hold remote meetings by conference call, video conference or other technology, to take actions authorized by law.

EO 7S.7Suspension of In-Person Voting Requirements for Critical and Time Sensitive Municipal Fiscal Deadlines – This includes any supplemental, additional or special appropriations under Section 7-348 of the Connecticut General Statutes or comparable provisions of any special act, municipal charter or ordinance, (ii) any tax anticipation notes to be issued under Section 7-405a of the Connecticut General Statutes or comparable provisions of any special act, municipal charter or ordinance, or (iii) municipal general obligation bonds or notes to be issued in anticipation of such bonds to be issued for capital improvement purposes.

EO 71.16Suspension of In-Person Filing Requirements related to Municipal Planning Assessment and Taxation Provisions.

EO 9HHybrid Municipal Meetings – Expressly authorizes municipal agencies to hold hybrid remote/in-person meetings. Download COST’s Summary here.

Note: Executive Orders that are limited in duration are NOT extended, including provisions in EO 7I suspending in-person budget adoption requirements for municipalities and regional boards of education, which are only applicable to budgets for FY July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021. In addition, Executive Order 7S.6 which required municipalities to offer taxpayers a 90-day deferment and/or low-interest rate on delinquent payments is not extended because it is limited in duration.