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Woodbury Route 6 Corridor Study Public Meeting
February 18 @ 6:00 pm EST
The Town of Woodbury, AECOM, and the NVCOG will hold a hybrid public meeting Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held at Woodbury Senior Community Center (281 Main St. South, Woodbury, CT). For those unable to join in-person, please join using the zoom link. Individuals can listen to the meeting by calling +1 929 205 6099 and entering the Meeting ID when prompted: 898 4662 0463.
The meeting will include a public presentation of the current conditions assessment, along with next steps as the project moves into looking at future conditions and recommendations.
Visit the Woodbury Route 6 Corridor Study project page to learn more.
For language assistance or other accommodations, contact NVCOG at least five business days prior to the meeting at