The City of Waterbury submitted a $24 million RAISE grant application proposal on April 12, 2022, to the United States Department of Transportation for a project entitled “Waterbury Active Transportation Economic Resurgence (W.A.T.E.R.) Phase II.” NVCOG and the Waterbury Development Corporation, the city’s economic and community organization, assisted the City of Waterbury in developing a full application in a short turnaround.
The project is anticipated to total $30 million with the city seeking 80% in federal funds.
The proposal included four active transportation project components:
- Phase II of Waterbury’s Section of the Waterbury Naugatuck River Greenway Trail (~$9.9M)
- Jackson Street Riverfront Park (~$6.9M)
- West Main Street Renovation and Improvements (~$9.8M)
- Installation of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at the Waterbury Train Station (~$200,000)
This investment leverages the work of NVCOG as a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and our other aligned projects in the transit corridor by continuing efforts to reconnect neighborhoods, expand mobility choice, and advance health equity for communities of concern by increasing access to resources and physical activity.
The project narrative and additional documents can be found at this link.