PUBLIC NOTICE- NVCOG Seeks Input on Updated Title VI Plan

NVCOG needs your input on the update of our Title VI Plan, guaranteeing nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin. The draft plan can be accessed here.
Join us for a short presentation on the demographics of the NVCOG region and our policy of nondiscrimination, followed by a Q&A session.
Translation services are available by request with two-day notice.
Meeting location is ADA accessible.

May 25, 2022

5:30-6:30 p.m.

Waterbury City Hall, 1st Floor, Cass Gilbert Room

235 Grand St., Waterbury, CT, 06702

Via Zoom:

May 26, 2022

6:00-7:00 p.m.

Valley Transit District Headquarters

41 Main Street, Derby, CT 06418

Via Zoom:

PUBLIC NOTICE – Multi-State Freight Working Group Announces Presentation on Regional Freight Land Use Study

Presentation on the Regional Freight Land Use Study
Thursday May 12, 2022; 10:00 am – 11:00 am
The Multi-State Freight Working Group of the Metropolitan Area Planning (MAP) Forum announces a presentation on the Regional Freight Land Use Study on May 12, 2022, at 10:00 am. This virtual meeting will be available as a webinar:

Thursday, May 12, 2022 10:00 am | 1 hour | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Meeting number: 161 188 7786
Password: NYMTC123
Join by phone
+1-518-549-0500 USA Toll
Access code: 161 188 7786

Click here to view the full PDF.

NVCOG Partners with Thomaston to Support the Development of the Town’s Affordable Housing Plan


Waterbury, Conn. — In partnership with the Town of Thomaston, the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) has begun a collaborative effort to assist in the development of the town’s affordable housing plan. NVCOG staff will provide technical assistance to the town as they work towards meeting the June 1, 2022, deadline to create the plan.

“Thomaston is a small town, but we have a lot to offer, and we want this plan to reflect the needs of our residents,” said Stacey Sefcik, land use administrator and lead for the Town of Thomaston. “Like other communities, we are limited in staff and time, so the services that NVCOG provides are excellent and very cost-effective. We are already looking forward to working with NVCOG on future projects.”

In collaboration with NVCOG, Thomaston is conducting research into zoning regulations and gathering baseline housing data. To measure the need for affordable housing in the small town, involving the residents is a key priority. As a starting point, the town has disseminated a survey to residents to gather input and will continue to conduct public outreach in the coming months.

“The Town of Thomaston is committed to providing housing options,” said Thomaston First Selectman Ed Mone. “We want to ensure that all our residents, young and old, who want to remain in our town for years to come have the means to do so.”

“Our goal is to serve our municipalities and we are happy that our staff can be a resource to assist with the development and completion of this important statutory requirement,” said NVCOG Executive Director Rick Dunne.


Desira Blanchard
Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments

Household Hazardous Waste and Paint Collection Scheduled for Saturday, April 16 in Ansonia

HHW Collection 2021


Do you have paints, cleaners, and other chemicals you need to dispose of? Let the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) help you dispose of these hazardous wastes. NVCOG and participating towns will sponsor a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and Paint Collection Day event on Saturday, April 16. The collection will take place from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is open to the following towns: Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Bethlehem, Derby, Middlebury, Naugatuck, Oxford, Prospect, Seymour, Southbury, Thomaston, Waterbury, Watertown, Wolcott and Woodbury.

The event will be held at the Ansonia Public Works Department located at 1 North Division Street, Ansonia. There is no charge to residents. Proof of residency, such as a driver’s license, tax bill, or other identification, is required for entrance. There is no need to line up before the 8 a.m. start time.

HHW Collection 2021
Volunteers unload hazardous waste items at the collection site in Southbury in July of 2021.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, protocols in effect at the event include:

  • Residents disposing of materials must wear a mask and remain in their vehicle
  • Only one family member per vehicle
  • Collection materials for disposal must be placed in the rear compartment of vehicle, not passenger compartment
  • Containers will not be returned (No ‘pour offs’)

Household hazardous wastes are any wastes produced in the home that are poisonous, flammable, reactive, or corrosive. These wastes are harmful to human health and the environment if not disposed of properly.

Examples of wastes that will be accepted include: oil- and latex-based paints and stains, thermometers and thermostats containing mercury, drain and oven cleaners, upholstery cleaners, wood cleaners, strippers and varnishes, pesticides, poisons, pool and photo chemicals, automotive cleaners and fluids (excluding motor oil), grease and rust solvents, aerosols, and metal polishes.

Items that will not be accepted include:  auto batteries, motor oil, 20 lbs. propane tanks, compressed gas cylinders, asbestos, smoke detectors, explosives, radioactive or medical waste, grout, joint compound, lead paint chips, and empty containers of any kind. The contractor reserves the right to reject additional materials.

Up to 50 lbs. of residential waste will be accepted per vehicle. Residents should leave materials in the original container whenever possible. When arriving at the collection site, residents are asked to stay in their cars at all times. Trained waste handlers will remove materials from the cars.

Unacceptable materials will be returned or left in the vehicle and information, if known, will be provided on how to dispose of them. For further information, please contact or call (203) 757-0535.


(203) 757-0535

PUBLIC NOTICE – Ozone and PM 2.5 Air Quality Conformity Determination

Ozone and PM 2.5 Air Quality Conformity Determination (February 2022)  

Available for public review and comment

The Naugatuck Valley Planning Region includes municipalities located in the Connecticut portion of the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island eight-hour Ozone Moderate Nonattainment Area, Greater Connecticut eight-hour Ozone Moderate Nonattainment Area, and the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut PM2.5 Attainment/Maintenance Area. As areas that have previously or currently not met ambient air-quality standards, transportation projects must demonstrate that they will contribute toward reductions to acceptable levels of future transportation related emissions. This analysis is completed by modeling transportation projects approved or proposed in the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) or Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) and any approved amendments to those documents.   

Air quality emissions analysis is a responsibility of the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), which coordinates TIPs and MTPs from all of the state’s planning areas. A version of the emissions analysis, available here combines both the Ozone and PM2.5 Air Quality Conformity Determinations of the 2019-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plans and the FY 2021-2024 Transportation Improvement Programs, as Amended. The February 2022 report shows conformity to the motor vehicle emission budgets for both Ozone nonattainment areas as noted in the current State Implementation Plan (SIP) for air quality, as well as the PM 2.5 attainment/maintenance area.  Emissions were calculated using the latest version of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required software, MOVES2014b. Additional information about the process used to calculate future conformity can be found on the NVCOG website at or the CTDOT website at   

To ensure the public has an opportunity to comment on this determination, NVCOG has established a forty-five (45) day review period, during which public comments will be accepted via email or presented to our board of elected officials. This period will formally begin on March 15, 2022 and run through April 28, 2022.   

For anyone who would like to comment virtually to the region’s elected officials, public comment time will be made available at the meeting of the Central Naugatuck Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (CNVMPO), a subset of NVCOG towns, during the regularly scheduled NVCOG and CNVMPO meeting scheduled to take place on April 8, 2022. At this meeting the CNVMPO will be asked to endorse the air quality determination, with a contingency that no major adverse comments are received before the end of the public comment period on April 28.   

The public is invited to attend this meeting and will be afforded an opportunity to comment on the air quality conformity determinations before they are considered by the MPO. Written comments received by 5 p.m. on April 7, 2022, will be included in their entirety in writing to members of the board and will be presented in whole or in part by NVCOG staff during the meeting. All written comments can be sent to Rich Donovan, Transportation Planner, at 

The meeting will take place both virtually and at the offices of the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments. At this time, we request that members of the public who wish to comment during this meeting reach out to 203-757-0535 or before Wednesday, April 6 to receive meeting dial in information.   

PUBLIC NOTICE – Metropolitan Transportation Planning Certification Review


                                                                                                LEGAL NOTICE

                                                Metropolitan Transportation Planning Certification Review

NOTICE, is hereby given that the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) will be reviewing the transportation planning program of the Greater Bridgeport and Valley MPO. The USDOT must jointly certify the transportation planning process in the Bridgeport-Stamford Transportation Management Area in accordance with federal planning regulations. Additional details are available at or

The public and interested groups are encouraged to submit comments no later than April 22, 2022. Written comments may be sent to either the Federal Highway Administration or Federal Transit Administration at the addresses below:

FHWA:   Jennifer Carrier, Transportation Specialist, Connecticut Division

               Abraham Ribicoff Federal Building, 450 Main Street, Suite 612

               Hartford, CT 06103

               Via email:

FTA:        Leah Sirmin, Program Manager

               55 Broadway, Suite 920

               Cambridge, MA 02142

               Via email:

For more information, please contact either Matt Fulda, Executive Director of the Connecticut Metropolitan Council of Governments (MetroCOG) at (203) 366-5405 or Rick Dunne, Executive Director of the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) at (203) 735-8688.


Click the photos below to view the flyer.


NVCOG Launches Second Annual Backyard Composter & Rain Barrel Sale


NVCOG Executive Director Rick Dunne (left) and Sustainable CT Fellow Adrian Huq (right) distribute compost bins at last year’s Composter and Rain Barrel Sale in Southbury.

The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) is offering backyard composters, rain barrels, and related accessories at wholesale prices to residents of the Naugatuck Valley Region. Residents can place orders at the NVCOG online store ( through Thursday, May 19th for pickup at one of two locations on Saturday, May 21st:

9:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Seymour Community Center, 20 Pine Street, Seymour  

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM at Bethlehem Fire Department, 26 Main Street South, Bethlehem

Backyard composters will help residents turn food and yard waste into valuable compost perfect for amending soil for vegetables, flowers, or lawns. Rain barrels can provide a reliable source of chemical free water for outdoor uses like watering lawns and gardens.

In providing these products at affordable prices and promoting their use to residents, NVCOG strives to help communities reduce the volume and cost of municipal solid waste, keep organic waste out of landfills and conserve drinking water by providing an alternative water source for outdoor needs.

Last year 124 composting units were sold, diverting up to 62,000 pounds of organics from landfills and trash burning plants. The 110 55-gallon rain barrels sold also represent a significant conservation of water resources.

Click here to view the flyer.


Desira Blanchard
Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments

CTDOT to Host a Public Information Meeting on Intersection Improvements at Route 6, 61, and Quassapaug Pond in the Town of Woodbury

Road work ahead sign

The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) will host a virtual public information meeting on Intersection Improvements at Route 6, 61, and Quassapaug Pond in the Town of Woodbury (Proposed Project No. PP-168-003) on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at 7 p.m. Instructions on how to access the meeting and on how to provide comments or ask questions can be found by visiting the project webpage.