NVCOG Analysis of 2020 Census Redistricting Data

Naugatuck Valley 2020 Census logo

NVCOG, along with its municipalities, non-profits, and businesses, worked tirelessly to get residents to participate in the 2020 Census count to show the growth the Naugatuck Valley region was experiencing. The results of the count show that not all towns and cities grew in population. However, the results did show growth in racial diversity throughout the region.

Results from the analysis NVCOG has completed on the data released by the U.S. Census Bureau for redistricting purposes can be found in a dashboard or is available for download on our data page.  In the NVCOG 2020 Census Redistricting Data dashboard, view the changes in the population from 2010 to 2020 in each of our municipalities, see how diverse the region’s population was in 2020, and more. Data tables on population and self-response counts, housing, and race and ethnicity are available for download on our Data Download page.

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2020 Census Redistricting Data, with analysis by NVCOG GIS Department. Made with Visme

For any questions concerning the 2020 Census Redistricting Data analysis, please contact Richard Crowther Jr, GIS Analyst.

Even though NVCOG is not directly affected by redistricting, as a regional planning agency funded through state and federal sources that rely on Census data for financial distribution, we take each decennial Census seriously. Funds for our transportation projects, brownfield remediation, and environmental sustainability assessment all contain Census population counts as a factor in the funding.

CT Planning Regions Proposed to Become County Equivalents


The State of Connecticut has requested, and the U.S. Census Bureau has proposed the addition of Connecticut’s Planning Regions to its list of geographic units that are treated as county equivalents for statistical purposes. This will align Census Bureau tabulations with the nine Planning Regions established and used by the State of Connecticut for the Regional Councils of Governments (COGs). The State’s eight counties ceased to function as governmental and administrative entities in 1960.

The proposal will put Connecticut on a level playing field with other states by:

  • Aligning data released by the Census Bureau with the Planning Regions used by the state rather than with defunct, historical geographies. This will improve the ability to use census data for planning and decision-making.
  • Allowing more entities in Connecticut to apply for competitive federal grants. Often federal grant programs are designed for and around counties. The lack of regional geographies recognized as county-equivalents by the Census Bureau makes cities and towns in Connecticut ineligible to apply for many federal grants that are limited to counties. Planning Region county equivalency will allow municipalities to more easily collaborate on federal grants submitted through their COGs, eliminating redundant grant administration and potentially leading to more competitive applications.

This has no effect on the current standing of counties and the home-rule of local government in Connecticut. More information on county equivalency can be found in:

Connecticut Office of Policy and Management (OPM) Press Release

OPM County Equilvalency Story Map

Federal Register (includes a link to submit public comments)

The Federal Register 60-day comment period will run to February 12, 2021. The expectation is that, following the public comment period, the proposal would be adopted and go into effect for all official Census Bureau statistical and geospatial data products starting in 2023.


Everyone in the Valley Counts – Your Local Resource on the 2020 Census

Naugatuck Valley 2020 Census logo

Do you have questions about the 2020 Census? Are you unsure of what is being asked of you? Do you think taking the Census is unsafe? Do you need assistance with filling out the questionnaire?

We answer these questions and concerns by providing all the real facts about participating in the Census and why you are so important. Visit our 2020 Census page or http://nvcogct.gov/2020census for information on the 2020 Census.

Naugatuck Valley 2020 Census logo

Ways to Respond to the 2020 Census

US Census 2020 logo

By April 1, 2020, every home will receive an invitation to participate in the 2020 Census. You will have three options for responding:

  • Online.
  • By phone.
  • By mail.

The 2020 Census marks the first time you’ll have the option to respond online. You can even respond on your mobile device.

Get the facts from the U.S. Census Bureau for more information on how to respond in April.

Census Partnership Badge

Naugatuck Valley Regional Profile 2019 is now available!

NVCOG staff has just completed an update to the Regional Profile for the 19-municipality Naugatuck Valley Region.  The Regional Profile compiles population, economic, and housing data from a variety of sources including the U.S. Census Bureau, the Connecticut Department of Labor, and the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development. The report provides useful statistical data to public officials, local organizations, developers, private citizens, students, businesses, and others interested in population, housing, and economic trends. Data from this report is intended to assist municipalities with grant applications, updates to planning and economic development documents, and provide information to local boards and commissions.

To download a digital copy of the Profile, please click on the link below:

Naugatuck Valley Regional Profile 2019

As a supplement to the Regional Profile, NVCOG staff has created an interactive web-based application to provide access to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey data at the block group or block level. This tool allows users to obtain statistics for smaller areas within a municipality.

The web application can be accessed here:

Naugatuck Valley Regional Profile 2019 – Maps

Earn Extra Income While Helping Your Community

US Census 2020 logo

The U.S. Census Bureau is recruiting thousands of people across the country to assist with the 2020 Census count. Temporary positions feature flexible hours to fit into anyone’s schedule to earn a little extra money; hourly pay starts at $21 per hour.

Apply, and with one application you may be considered for several positions including census taker, recruiting assistant, office clerk, and supervisory staff – and help your community while getting paid.

Jobs for the 2020 Census are located throughout the State of Connecticut and include both field and office positions.  Connecticut will have three Census Bureau offices in Danbury, Hartford, and New Haven, but need field workers in every town and city to get people counted.

Apply now or find out more information on 2020Census.gov.

Our October Newsletter Has Arrived!

Newsletter logo

NVCOG’s October newsletter is here! Our quarterly publication has news, project updates, and events for the Region.

NVCOG October Newsletter

Signed up but still have not seen it? Make sure it has not been caught in your spam filter.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter

Bringing Awareness of the 2020 Census with a Valley-wide Complete Count Committee

US Census 2020 logo

Group of leaders at Valley Complete Count Committee kickoff

Civic leaders and non-profits are joining together to vocalize the importance of the upcoming 2020 Census to the residents of the Naugatuck Valley. Connecticut Lt. Governor Susan Bysiewicz helped launch the Naugatuck Valley Complete Count Committee, stating an accurate count is critically important to Connecticut as it is the foundation to determine federal funding allocations to the state.  This includes funding for transportation projects, education, low-income programs, and other public services.  Derby Mayor Richard Dziekan emphasized how some areas of the Naugatuck Valley are hard to count and it’s essential to get the word out that the Census is safe, easy, and important.  Expect to see representatives from the U.S. Census Bureau at local events in Beacon Falls, according to First Selectman Christopher Bielik.  He brought up how important participation in the Census is, as Connecticut saw after the 2000 Census by losing one congressional representation seat because of a lower population count.

This is the first Census count available via phone and internet. The U.S. Census Bureau is also hiring local temporary workers.

For more information on all things 2020 Census in our region, visit our webpage, or Census.gov.

Derby Mayor Richard Dziekan speaking at the kickoff event
Derby Mayor Richard Dziekan speaking at the kickoff event.
First Selectman Christopher Bielik speaking at the kickoff event.
First Selectman Christopher Bielik speaking at the kickoff event.