To view minutes and agendas for meetings after March 8, 2019, please use the Calendar and select the month of the event. For meeting minutes and agendas before March 8, 2019, please visit the Calendar Archive.
Calendar of Events
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TTAC Meeting
TTAC Meeting
The NVCOG Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TTAC) will meet both In-Person and Virtually Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. This meeting is open to the public, and the NVCOG […]
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Naugatuck River Greenway Steering Committee
Naugatuck River Greenway Steering Committee
Regular quarterly meeting of the Naugatuck River Greenway Steering Committee. Postponed From August 9, 2023. Agenda Meeting Notes Meeting Materials: DRAFT NRG Trail Project Priorities NRG Trail Status Map […]
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Regular meeting of NVCOG and the CNVMPO Agenda Packet Minutes Watch the recording of this meeting on the NVCOG YouTube Channel.
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Middlebury Trash Reduction Pilot Community Champions Dinner
Middlebury Trash Reduction Pilot Community Champions Dinner
The Town of Middlebury and the Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments (NVCOG) will host an informational pizza dinner on the Middlebury Trash Reduction Pilot on September 19th from 6pm – […]
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Greater Waterbury Transit District Meeting
Greater Waterbury Transit District Meeting
Regular quarterly meeting of the Greater Waterbury Transit District (GWTD). This meeting is open to the public, and the NVCOG encourages municipal staff and interested parties to attend. The meeting […]
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Land Use Commissioner Training
Land Use Commissioner Training
The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments is hosting a training for land use commissioners to comply with the training requirements of CGS Section 8-4c Registration is required to participate. FREE […]
Project 0126-0179 Replacement of Bridge No. 06697, in the City of Shelton Public Meeting
Project 0126-0179 Replacement of Bridge No. 06697, in the City of Shelton Public Meeting
A virtual public informational meeting for the Project 0126-0179, Replacement of Bridge No. 06697, in the City of Shelton, will be held on Thursday, September 21 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be hosted […]
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ADA Lunch & Learn
ADA Lunch & Learn
Join the NVCOG, the Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT), and the CT Training & Technical Assistance Center (T2 Center) for a conversation regarding ADA compliance.
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Land Use Commissioner Training
Land Use Commissioner Training
The Naugatuck Valley Council of Governments is hosting a training for land use commissioners to comply with the training requirements of CGS Section 8-4c. Registration is required to participate. FREE […]
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