On September 25, 2019, the City of Waterbury hosted the Annual Regional Brownfields Partnership (RBP) of West Central Connecticut Meeting at Waterbury City Hall. Mayor Neil O’Leary opened the meeting with regular business. A presentation was given to the forty people in attendance on brownfield transformations within the City of Waterbury by Jim Nardozzi of Waterbury Development Corp.
Next, recent revisions to the RBP’s operating procedures created two new executive-at-large seats on the RBP Executive Board. Previously, there were only chairman, vice-chairman, and secretary/treasurer seats on the executive board. Elections for two newly created executive board member positions were held, adding Ron Pugliese and Chris Edge to the board. The elections for these positions will be held on even-numbered years.
NVCOG Environmental Planner Arthur Bogen updated all of those in attendance on noteworthy projects in Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Berlin, Derby, Naugatuck, Thomaston, and Waterbury. He proceeded to explain the available funding for future brownfield projects.
NVCOG Executive Director Rick Dunne stated three new NVCOG staff positions will be involved with the RBP starting in October. Since the meeting, Olivia Brandi, Lesley Barewin, and Ricardo Rodriguez have started at NVCOG and dove headfirst into the program.
The conclusion of the meeting was a brownfield panel discussion with James Byrne, EPA Program Lead, Clean-up, and State Funding; CT DECD Deputy Commissioner David Kooris, CT DEEP Brownfield Coordinator Mark Lewis, and CT Brownfield Land Bank President Arthur Bogen. Arthur represented both NVCOG and the CT Brownfield Land Bank at this meeting.
The Regional Brownfield Partnership is a voluntary association of municipalities and community organizations hosted by NVCOG. The Partnership guides our brownfield programs and brings together planners, economic development professionals, and community leaders across the region.