Regional Wastewater Treatment Consolidation Study

Wastewater equipment in Seymour.

Wastewater equipment in Seymour.The state Office of Policy and Management (OPM) has authorized $1.35 million for NVCOG to conduct a regional wastewater treatment consolidation study. The study, which began in April 2018,  will provide a preliminary analysis to help determine the region’s ability to increase capacity for properly treating wastewater in a consolidated facility or facilities, thereby leading to a reduction in long-term state and local capital improvements and a reduction of user fees.

Specifically, wastewater treatment plants in the municipalities of Naugatuck, Beacon Falls, Seymour, Ansonia and Derby are being analyzed for potential consolidation and/or the sharing of services. In addition to providing potential recommendations to mitigate costs and capital expenditures that will be required for upgrades to the wastewater treatment plants located in these communities, the study is designed to set an example for other communities throughout Connecticut in consolidating plants and reducing costs. The NVCOG conducted a Request for Proposal for study consultant services in mid-2017. Following a Qualification Based Selection process, Black & Veatch, of Overland Park, Kansas, was selected as the vendor. 

The study is being conducted in two phases. Phase 1 concluded in early 2019. The tasks included a review of existing planning documents and related assessments of existing wastewater treatment facilities and collection system infrastructures. It also provided an estimation of 20-year wastewater flows and load projections for each participating municipality, summarized existing wastewater system management and governance for each participating municipality, and identified potential opportunities for cost savings and operational efficiencies through alternative approaches to system management and governance structure. In addition, Phase 1  identified a long list of wastewater regionalization alternatives that appear to have initial merit for consideration.

Phase 2, which began in March 2020, will include a more extensive technical and engineering analysis, as well as identification of a short list of alternatives and preferred alternative(s) to the systems currently in place. It will also include a Cost Benefit Analysis, crafting of a Governance Model for any proposed regional wastewater entity and Environmental Impact Evaluation (EIE). It is expected to formally conclude in early 2022.

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Ansonia-Derby Regional School Study

Old classroom in a museum


Ansonia-Derby School Regionalization Study

In May 2018, The Connecticut General Assembly approved Public Act 18-169, which appropriated funding for a school consolidation study for the Cities of Ansonia and Derby. In accordance with Connecticut State Statutes §10-39 through §10-43, the cities’ Boards of Aldermen subsequently appointed members of the Temporary Regional School Study Committee (TRSSC).

NVCOG’s function in the study was to serve as fiduciary and contracting authority. Following a Qualification Based Selection process for a study consultant, District Management Group, of Boston, MA, was selected as consultant.

The study analyzed a number of areas regarding the advisability of combining school districts. It also analyzed potential cost savings or operational efficiencies resulting from shared services in separate school districts. The TRSSC expired according to state statute in February 2022 and members chose not to issue a recommendation. 

Consultant Documents:

Staff Contact:

Rick Dunne
Executive Director

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