The Central Naugatuck Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization was awarded funds from the US Department of Transportation under its RAISE discretionary grant program. The project will complete the environmental assessment and design plans for sections of the Naugatuck River Greenway Trail.
NVCOG Equity Explorer
Regional Waste Authority Study
Regional Open Space Inventory
Regional Flood Resilience
CT DEEP’s Climate Resilience Fund awarded NVCOG a grant to develop and advance culvert replacement and drainage system improvement projects in nine municipalities. This regional effort aims to reduce stormwater flooding, repair infrastructure, and incorporate elements of LID. Deliverables will include a preliminary designs and draft grant applications for federal implementation funding.
Tree Canopy Assessment
Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG)
Kinneytown Dam Removal
NRG Thomaston – Watertown Design & Construction
The Towns of Thomaston and Watertown received a federal Recreational Trails Program grant through the CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to design and construct a trailhead parking area and short section of Naugatuck River Greenway (NRG) trail in Thomaston and to design critical features along the future NRG route in Watertown.